
Leading the way

Greeninvest is an investment company that caters to realities that develop eco-sustainable projects and products.

By your side for a sustainable future

We believe in the development of a circular economy and we want to contribute to the achievement of sustainable global progress through the constant search for investments in green and innovative companies.

We design and develop products and technologies that minimise the environmental impact on the territory, creating ever more extensive and diversified ecosystems.


Green energy

The transition to green energy is the only way to achieve satisfaction of the world’s energy needs with a view to saving and reducing the environmental impact.
The term Sustainable Development refers to that type of energy production and use that aims not to damage the environment, also thanks to efficiency of energy use.


Smart materials

The perplexities about the extensive use of conventional plastics concern both its production, especially unsustainable sources of supply, and the poor recycling of products in circulation. The solution is to create alternative products with zero impact on the planet with a 100% sustainable supply chain. Smart alternatives exist and are called biopolymers.

Circular economy

Through the constant search for investments in innovative realities, for technology and services in the area of recycling, we pursue the goal of sustainable global progress and the development of a circular economy.


Greeninvest and Iberdrola sign a co-development agreement for 327 MW of renewable energy plants.

The wind and photovoltaic plants will be located in Italy. Operational in 2024, they will provide enough energy to power approximately 168,000 homes, saving 134,000 tonnes/year of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere. Genoa, 4th August 2022 – Greeninvest, an investment company that develops and manages green and renewable energy projects, has signed an agreement with […]

In Europe, the ban on single-use plastics has started

In Italy too on 3rd July the European directive which prohibits the sale of cutlery, plates, beakers and cotton buds came into force. However, Brussels is ready to change its approach, because bioplastics have also ended up under the axe of the legislation Since last July 3rd, the European Union has definitively banned the most […]

From crisis to recovery: the opportunity that Italy must not miss

Economic revival, Recovery Plan, the Draghi government and victory at the European Championship: there are many factors that can restart the Italian economy. Provided that politics, finance and business do their part “The crisis is the greatest blessing for people and nations, because the crisis brings progress”. Albert Einstein was certainly not the first to […]